Friday, January 9, 2015

Introducing: Louisa Afriyie

Hello friends and family!

There is only 50 days left until our departure - it's coming fast! Today, let's meet Louisa Afriyie, a respiratory care major. She is also a co-blogger for ABST Guatemala!

Q: Why Guatemala?
A: I want to go to Guatemala because I heard the people there are very nice. I also want to sit by the fresh water, lagoons, and lake, and enjoy nature. 

Q: What is something you’d like to learn about Guatemala before going?
A: I want to know more about the community as well as background information about Guatemala.

Q: Words to live by?
A: To respect the people and their culture

Q: What would you do with 10 more hours in the day?
A: With ten hours, I want to complete all my errands or spend time with some people who are in need or need help.

Q: If you were stranded on a deserted island with only one thing, what would you want it to be?
A: If I was stranded on a deserted island with only one thing, I want it to be a novel.

Q: What is something interesting about yourself?
A: I am laid back, very caring, and loving. I find it easy to get along with everyone I come across. I like to put myself in other people's shoes.

Q: What is something unique you can bring to the group?
A: One thing I hope to bring to the group will be unity. I want us to stick together, stand up for one another, and respect each other. 

Q: What is your dream job?
A: My dream job is to become a respiratory therapist.

Q: What inspires you?
A: My family and other people - especially people who have the same  vision as me. 

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