Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Introducing: Linsy Simanowski

Hello everyone!

There's only 39 days left until we depart for Guatemala! With that being said, there's only two members left to introduce, and today, we're introducing Linsy Simanowski. Linsy is a senior biology major.

Q: Why Guatemala?
A:  I want to see and experience the world!  I want to admire the beauty the world has to offer through different landscapes, peoples, cultures, and customs.

Q: What is something you’d like to learn about Guatemala before going?
A: Before going, I would love to learn if there are any “secret” special places to go.  Often times, you hear from others that there can be hidden treasures to be discovered (i.e., a small waterfall, open meadow with flowers in bloom, etc.).  If there are any special places to experience, I don’t want to miss out.

Q: Words to live by?
A: “It’s okay to not be okay.”  I live by these words because I am at a point in my life where everything is subject to change.  I am learning about myself on levels that I never knew existed.  Through this journey, I have realized that you don’t always feel okay… And that’s okay.  You don’t always have to know what your next step will be, what you’re doing tomorrow, or why something happens. No one has life all figured out, and it’s okay to be confused sometimes.  Just take things day by day; keep your head up and lean on the ones you love. 

Q: What would you do with 10 more hours in the day?
A: If I had 10 more hours in the day I would start reading more.  I used to love reading for pleasure.  However, the older I get, the busier I become.  It seems that by the time I lie down at the end of the day I just want to sleep.  If I had more time AND energy, I would snuggle up with a book and read for hours!

Q: If you were stranded on a deserted island with only one thing, what would you want it to be?
A: This may be unrealistic, but if I were stranded on an island with 1 thing, I would want that thing to be an emergency raft with an abundance of supplies!  Hopefully that will NEVER happen though!

Q: What is something interesting about yourself?
A: Something interesting about myself is that I was an exceptional athlete when I was younger.  I was a competitive gymnast, ran track, was a cheerleader, and more.  Unfortunately for me, I fractured my back in 3 places and am not allowed to do sports anymore!

Q: What is something unique you can bring to the group?
A: I have a gift (which is also a curse) of feeling for other people and understanding them.  I have been through a lot in my life, and therefore I easily relate to/understand others.  This is seen as the “gift” aspect.  On the other hand, sometimes others’ problems weigh me down and I can’t separate myself from them.  This is the “curse” aspect.  Either way, I hope to use this gift while in Guatemala to relate to the peoples there.  I also feel like it will help me to appreciate their way of life and culture.

Q: What is your dream job?
A: My dream JOB is to be a mom.  I hope to have a successful career as well, but happiness doesn’t come from money.  I want to be close to my family always.  I hope that I can be an amazing mom someday just as my mom was for me.

Q: What inspires you?
A: My mom inspires me more than anyone or anything in this whole entire world.  She has always been my rock.  She is one of the most understanding, compassionate, intelligent people I have ever been around.  Luckily for me, I can call her mama!  She is an incredibly strong woman and continues to inspire me through her personal gains in life.  I am truly blessed beyond words to have been placed on this earth as her child.

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