Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Introducing: Danielle King

Hello friends and family!

The spring semester is now underway, which means there's only 46 days until we leave for Guatemala! There's only 3 members left to meet, and today, we're introducing Danielle King, a junior nutrition and exercise science major!

Q: Why Guatemala?
A: I've always wanted to travel and I have a passion for service; traveling to Guatemala through an ABST is an opportunity of a lifetime! I am so blessed to be involved in such an amazing mission.

Q: What is something you’d like to learn about Guatemala before going?
A: I'd like to learn more about Guatemala's exports and the economy in Guatemala.

Q: Words to live by?
A: Never regret anything in life. Regardless, at one time in your life that is exactly what you wanted.

Q: What would you do with 10 more hours in the day?
A: Probably sleep. But if I was feeling well rested, I would definitely spend the extra time going on adventures, appreciating the beauty of this planet, and advocating world peace.

Q: If you were stranded on a deserted island with only one thing, what would you want it to be?
A: Sunscreen; I'd have to protect my skin from the desert's harsh sun.

Q: What is something interesting about yourself?
A: I collect garden gnomes. I have over 50 gnomes, all unique and special to me.

Q: What is something unique you can bring to the group?
A: I'm really good at jokes and puns. There's never a bad time for a joke or pun :)

Q: What is your dream job?
A: I would love to be a princess at Disney World. Spending my days in a beautiful gown taking photos with children at the happiest place on Earth would be simply amazing! I would love to be the Little Mermaid or maybe Belle from Beauty and the Best.

Q: What inspires you?
A: My family. They're beautiful and I couldn't have accomplished anything without their love and support.

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